The photographers of the Africa Through My Lens category can put a feather in their caps. This is especially true with the array of bird photography we have received showcasing the rainbow colours flitting through our African skies. Home to some of the worlds best birding, you’ll find birders flocking to Africa and frantically ticking off species from their bucket-lists. The Kruger National Park in South Africa hosts around 530 different types of species, making this our favourite birding spot. Without feather ado, here are the bird submissions for Africa’s Photographer of the Year:
Karen: Pearl-spotted owl
Conny Müller: Southern yellow-billed hornbill
Jean Goldstone: Blue-cheeked bee-eaters
Anthony Goldman: Lilac-breasted roller
John Mullineux: Barn owl
Rajeev Parikh: Southern yellow-billed hornbill
Elisabeth Sicard: Lilac-breasted roller
Peter Täschler: Bateleur
Nicolas Durand: Holub’s golden weaver
Arvind Hari: Great white egret
Anthony Goldman: Scarlet-chested sunbird
Dave Gale: Tawny eagle
Jean Goldstone: Southern yellow-billed hornbill
Jean Goldstone: Blue-cheeked bee-eater
Andrew Watkinson: Booted eagle
Andrew Watkinson: Giant kingfisher
Belinda van Rensburg: Cape sugarbird
Jean Goldstone: Immature crowned cormorant
Jean Goldstone: White-quilled bustard
Nick Dale: Malachite kingfisher
Adip Singh: Eastern cattle egret
Beate Schwippert: Juvenile spotted eagle-owls
Jacha Potgieter: Lesser flamingo
Conny Müller: Red-billed oxpecker
Anthony Goldman: White-bellied sunbird
Arvind Hari: Pied kingfisher
John Imlah: Lilac-breasted roller
Angela Farnsworth: White-backed vulture
Marc de Chalain: Scarlet-chested sunbird
Elisabeth Grabner: Lilac-breasted roller
John Mullineux: Common moorhen
Karin Keller: Red-billed oxpeckers
Rajeev Parikh: Greater blue-eared starling
Hailey Bowden: Southern yellow-billed hornbill
Michelle Luck: Southern masked weaver
Gurveer Sira: White-backed vulture
Jacha Potgieter: Great white pelican
Arvind Hari: Pied kingfisher
Conny Mülle: Greater blue-eared starlings
Ralph Delisio: Lilac-breasted roller
Angela Farnsworth: Kori bustard
For more submissions check out Africa’s Photographer of the Year.