“Their elusive nature probably fuels their mystique, but it’s their sleek beauty and majestic grace that really captivates us” – Matthew Sterne
Matt couldn’t have described the thrill of spotting a leopard any better. A sighting of this big cat is usually on the top of any safari goer’s list, however they are often the toughest to spot and so a glimpse of their mottled bodies can have a game vehicle in gasps. Although being one of Africa’s most elusive cats, the leopard submissions we have received from Africa’s Photographer of the Year have caught this cat in the act and have us purring. Here are some exquisite photographs of leopard:
Arnfinn Johansen: Leopard cub close up
Georgina Leith: Male leopard in the beautiful Sabi Sands
Doug Croft: This magnificent leopard was bathed in the orange hues of the African sunrise. Breath-taking.
Teresa Glod: Leopard cub waiting for Mom in Moremi, Botswana
Michael Raddall: The Alpha
Sean Brogan
Nili Gudhka: Catwalk
Michael Weidmann: Keep away from my dinner
Stefano Romei: Take a walk on the wildside
Alexandre Fiocre: Deep leopard look, Masaï Mara Kenya
Stefan: The beautiful one
Ed Ruggiero: Surveying her territory
François Jorion: Leopard mom drinking with her cub in a puddle, Kenya
Michael Raddall: Eyes in the undergrowth
Philip Marazzi: Leopard cub portait, near Savute channel, Botswana
Aliya Habib: Leopard on a mission
Anthony Goldman: On the move
Clément Denuit: Only my death can stop me
Daniele Orsetti: Hunting
Dean Robinson: Counting claws
Anthony Goldman: The mystical eyes of a leopard
Michael Raddall: The resting king
Ed Ruggiero: Relaxing in the afternoon in the Okavango
Fabian Beckmann: There is not much more elegant, then a leopard in my mind. This beautiful female was sitting in the evening sun, while I took the picture.
Gabriel Clark: The Piva male roaming his territory at Londolozi Game Reserve
Georgina Leith: Big yawn
George Skelton: Watching next meal
Jane Pearce: Dewane Dayone at Sabi Sands Game Reserve in South Africa
Jaymin Patel: One eye leopard at Samburu National Reserve in Kenya
Iris Yor: Focused in Sabi Sands
Jaymin Patel: Leopard patrolling his territory
Judy Boch: Well earned rest for a rambunctious-cub
Justus van Dillen: A leopard resting in a tree in the Sabi Sands
Michael Raddall: New life
Louise Vicor: Angry leopard
Marius von Bentzel: Leopard at Masai Mara National Park
Nick Dale: Leopard running along sandy track in grass
Nimit Virdi: Yummy
Patel Jaymin: Leopard stalking Samburu, Kenya
Sheila Hammer: Big leopard yawn
Shreya Patel: Mama leopard on the lookout
Kalyanasundaram: Look into his eyes to experience the power of focus and courage
Nicole Van Der Walt: Mkanye staring straight on into the distance
Teresa Glod: Stalking as the sun sets
Tiffany Hibbins: View from above
Werner Schmäing: Broken teeth
Have you captured Africa at its wildest? It’s not too late to enter!
More spectacular photographs of leopard: 34 Beautiful Photos Of Africa’s Most Elusive Cat.
Header image by Anthony Goldman.